Don't wash the bones. I know; it took me awhile to get used to NOT washing but you don't have to wash them and possibly spread the bacteria that might be on the surface. When you boil the bones, any possible bacteria that might exist on the surface will be killed off anyway. You just don't want to spread them while they are alive. It's like "not" washing raw chicken.Place the bones in a large pot with cold water and bring to boil until you see brown foam (cooked blood) floating. Discard the water and the foam.Boil again with new water and discard the brown foam again. Do this about 2-3 times until you don't see the brown foam.When the final boil is clean, add the rest of the ingredients and simmer, following the schedule below.If you want to use your crock pot, follow the steps above to #4. Set the setting to HIGH for about 3 hours. Then, lower the temp to LOW and forget about it for about 12 -18 hours, depending on the type of bone.When the broth is done, strain the broth over a sieve, discard the veggies but save the bones for a second boiling. To prevent histamine reaction (see below for more info), freeze the broth right away. You can store the broth in mason jars in the refrigerator for immediate consumption, up to 3 days. When you freeze them in mason jars, make sure to use wide mouth jars with wide neck (pictured below). Fill it up about 1-2 inches below the neck to allow for expansion. Defrost them in the refrigerator before eating.Saved bones can be boiled for a second time. I've added new bones to the second batch of bones for richer flavor. I'd save steak bones or rib bones from dinners and added them to the second batch and they add great flavor.