Vanilla Sugar

Vanilla Sugar
Vanilla Sugar
I like to make this intensely flavored sugar and use it in all my baking. The flavor of vanilla always improves a cake, cookies or a tart, and can even add an alluring flavor to bread. This sugar is also delicious stirred into plain yogurt, sprinkled atop buttered toast and for dipping strawberries.
  • Preparing Time: -
  • Total Time: -
  • Served Person: Makes 8 cups
French Condiment/Spread No-Cook Kid-Friendly Vanilla Summer Small Plates
  • 2 vanilla beans
  • Carbohydrate 114 g(38%)
  • Fat 0 g(0%)
  • Protein 0 g(0%)
  • Saturated Fat 0 g(0%)
  • Sodium 33 mg(1%)
  • Calories 444

Preparation Place the sugar in a large jar that can be made airtight. Stick the vanilla beans right down into the sugar. Close the jar and forget about it for one week, then proceed to use the sugar. Replace the sugar as you use it, stirring it in the jar. The vanilla beans will continue to add their flavor to the sugar for up to three months.

Preparation Place the sugar in a large jar that can be made airtight. Stick the vanilla beans right down into the sugar. Close the jar and forget about it for one week, then proceed to use the sugar. Replace the sugar as you use it, stirring it in the jar. The vanilla beans will continue to add their flavor to the sugar for up to three months.