Recipe Directions 1. Mix everything together in a mixing bowl. 2. Line two dehydrator trays with parchment paper or teflex sheets. Spread batter evenly on two trays using the back of a spoon. 3. Start dehydrating the crackers. I generally dehydrate everything at 120 degrees for the first hour, then I reduce the temperature to 105 degrees for the remainder of the cooking time. 4. Score the crackers. Once the crackers are starting to harden up (four hours later?), use a knife to score the crackers along wherever you want the crackers to separate. (This will make them easier to break later on.) 5. Remove paper or teflex. Once the crackers are holding their shape together very well (8 hours in the dehydrator?), break them apart along the score lines. Remove the parchment or teflex sheets and place the crackers directly on the dehydrator tray. 6. Finish dehydrating. Some people like their crackers a bit moist. I like this particular recipe to be very dry. If you plan on keeping them for a few weeks or more in storage, then you must ensure that there is no moisture left. This recipe makes enough for two dehydrator trays' worth of raw crackers. This recipe makes enough for two dehydrator trays' worth of raw crackers. I love avocado, sprouts, and tomato on raw crackers.