-Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (~200 Celsius) -Slice bagel in half and place upon a greased cookie sheet or pizza stone. -Place a slice of pepperoni over the holes in the bagels. This will make it easier to spread the sauce and will decrease the risk of the ingredients falling into the hole. -Spread about a tablespoon's worth of sauce across the bagel being sure to spread it evenly. Add more or less for desired effect. -Lightly sprinkle about a handful of Mozzarella Cheese across each bagel. Be sure to cover the entire circumference of the bagel. Bagels will cook best if not too much cheese is used. -Place 3 slices of pepperoni on each bagel in a triangle shape. -Bake at least 16 minutes or until the cheese is beginning to become golden brown and the bagels have become finely crisped -Let finished product sit at least 4 minutes to cool before eating.