Put the shrimp for 5 minutes into a big pan full of water to cook. Use a strainer to remove the shrimp from the hot water. If you are preparing it fast remember you can add cold water to bring down the temperature of the shrimp. The onion finely cut will be placed into a bowl will lemon juice until it covers the onion this will marinade the onion before it is placed into the final bowl. Chop Tomatoes, Cucumbers, and place them into the final bowl or container. Add the 16 Oz Bottle of Clamato Juice entirely into the mixture. If you need more liquids to cover it then simply add more water to the container until the mix has the resemblance of being full. Finally you will add the imitation crab and the shrimp to the mix. This great meal can be served both in a cup or in a bowl. Remember this is served cold and should be stored in a refrigerator.