1. Wash bones, head and skin well and make a layer of it on bottom of large pot. Add the first list of salt, pepper and sugar. 2. Add sliced onions and water and bring to boil over low flame. 3. Place ground fish in wooden bowl. Add salt, white pepper, sugar, 2 eggs, matzoh meal, reserved ground onions. 4. Chop together and add 2 more eggs, 3 more T matzoh meal, until eggs are used up. If too thin, add matzoh meal. 5. Form balls and place in boiling water. *This is not in the recipe, but they would reserve some of the skin to wrap some of the gefilte fish balls in - this was a favorite of my grandma and I. 6. Cover with cold water. Cover pot tightly. Bring to boil. 7. Reduce heat and cook 3 hours, shaking pot every 1/2 hour. Best served chilled the next day, with horseradish and a little sugar (or no sugar, if you prefer).