1. Peel and pit peaches. Finely chop fruit. Measure peaches and put into a large dutch over. Stir in lemon juice and fruit protector if needed. 3. Measure sugar into a separate bowl. Do not reduce the sugar as it will result in failure of the jam to set. 4. Stir 1 pkg. SURE JELL Premium Fruit Pectin into prepared fruit. Add 1/2 teaspoon butter to reduce foaming. 5. Add sugar to fruit mixture in saucepan. Bring to full rolling boil. Boil exactly 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim off any foam with metal spoon. 6. Ladle immediately into prepared jars, filling each to within 1/4 inch of top. Wipe jar rims and threads. Cover with two piece lids. Place jars in rack in canner. Cover jars with 1 to 2 inches of water. Process for 10 min. plus 10 min. to adjust for high altitude.