In a sauce pan, heat Beef broth over medium-low setting Begin heating a pan big enough for your steak(s). Set to at least medium high heat Sear steak in blazing hot pan. Cook between rare and medium rare (Roughly 2 minutes a side in pan). Season with salt, pepper, and garlic while cooking (Be careful while searing. Pan may smoke when seasoning is added. The important thing is: Dont Panic) Remove steak from heat, and let steak rest at least 5 minutes While steak is resting, chop chiles and add to warm broth Thin slice steak. Add to broth and peppers Add beer and dry spices Reduce heat, and let simmer for at least an hour. Chili is done when peppers fall apart, most of the broth is boiled off, and the whole mess thickens up at least slightly. Let cool slightly before serving, as the chili will continue thicken up while cooling. Roughly 5 minutes depending on your pan.