1. Cut the acorn squash into 1-2 inch cubes, boil for ten minutes or until tender (a fork should be able to pierce through with ease). Drain. Set aside. 2. In a small mixing bowl or cup, combine the flour, brown sugar, curry powder, and ginger. Mix loosely and set aside. 3. Chop the celery, onions, carrot, and garlic finely. Saute the ingredients in half of the butter for two minutes on medium high heat in a deep pan. Next add the remainder of the butter, vinegar, olive oil, cream, and bouillon cube. Stir in the flour mixture for fifteen seconds slowly and reduce heat to medium or medium low. Cover with lid and cook for an additional three minutes. 4. When veggies are cooked through, add the already boiled cubed acorn squash to the top of the veggies, generously sprinkle some salt and pepper. Toss in the chopped Cilantro. Cover. Heat for another minute or until squash is heated through. 5. The mixture is now prepared to be blended. Take half of the saute mixture and blend until mostly smooth. Set aside. A little texture is good so no need to over blend. Blend the other half of the mixture. Combine the two parts back in your pan, reheat if needed. Put into a large serving bowl or separate serving dishes, garnish with cilantro and/or drizzled cream. 6. Indulge and Enjoy!