Chop the carrots acro9ss in 2 1/4 inch lengths, then find yourself and appropriately sized pan in which the carrots will fit snugly when they stand up side by side, as in the picture. Once you carrots are snugly packed in, put your knob of butter on top of the carrots, tuck the bay leaves in between them and season well with salt and pepper. Then add enough water to come halfway up the carrots and put them on the heat. Bring to boil, then turn the heat down and cover with a lid. Simmer for about 20 minutes or until the carrots are cooked. Take the lid off and let the liquid reduce until there isn't any left. This will take about half an hour. Let the carrots sizzle gently in butter for about 5 minutes untill the bottoms of the carrots are sticky brown. Turn them onto a plate and serve.