1 For best results, tofu should be "pressed" in order to remove excess liquid and absorb the flavors of the marinade. 2 Press tofu block between two plates, weighted down with a cast iron pan, large bowl of water, or heavy cans, for about 30 minutes. 3 Halfway through, you may dump the plate of water and flip the tofu block. 4 To make marinade, simply whisk together the ingredients in a bowl. 5 After tofu is pressed, cut the block into small cubes or triangles. 6 Place pieces of tofu into baking dish, and cover with the marinade. 7 The tofu can sit overnight in the marinade, or can be prepared right away. 8 Preheat oven to 375 degrees. 9 Bake tofu about 35-45 minutes, or until all the liquid is absorbed. 10 Tofu can be eaten by itself, or added to stir-frys, salads, soups or sandwiches.