Preheat oven to 400.Cut kobocha in two and remove seeds.Roast for 45-60 minutes in oven until soft on the inside (kind of like boiling a potato).Remove from oven and remove skin from squash and place in a food processor.Add spices and salt and begin blending. I also add milk to get the consistency just right.There is no proper set amount for this, but I used about a cup in my soup.Place the sliced shallots in a frying pan in a clump, add the oil and the salt.Turn on medium-low heat covering the pan.Every five minutes or so, remove the cover, move the onions around to keep from burning, keep them in a nice clump, and re-cover the pan.After about 15 minutes or so, they will begin to brown.Once they are browned, clump them on top of the soup. It will look delicious, taste even better, and wow your guests with a gourmet look. :)