Place beetroot in a saucepan and submerge with water. Bring to boil over medium high heat, and turn down heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes until you can easily pierce the beet with a fork.Drain the beet, let it cool for 15 minutes, and peel it.Place the peeled beet in a blender with ginger, vanilla extract, and cinnamon. Set aside.Heat milk in a saucepan over medium heat until it begins to simmer. Remove from heat.Pour 1/2 cup of the milk into the blender with the beet and blend well until smooth, about 5 minutes Pour into a mug.Use a milk frother on the rest of the milk or blend in the blender to until it gets foamy.Gently pour the foamed milk into the mug over the beet mixture, while stirring with a spoon.Stir in honey, if using, and enjoy!