1. Roux Start by mixing the flour and fat in a cold pan. Bring to simmer over medium high heat constantly stirring for about 30 min. When it reaches red-brown resembling Brownies remove from heat as well as the hot pan. I usually transfer it to a cold stainless steel bowl to cool a little. Yields about a Cup of Roux. 2. Veggies Add butter (30 g) to a large pot that you will make your Gumbo in. Stir in the Bell Pepper, Onion and Celery (Holy Trinity). Saute on medium heat until everything is starting to lose its color and the onions start to caramelize. While the Trinity is cooking, add the sausage to another pan. Brown on both sides and remove. Add the Okra to the grease left over from the sausage. Cook this until the slime dries up. When you stir it, there is no white stringy substance anymore. Once this is done you can add it to the Gumbo pot. When the onions are starting to brown, remove from heat and add the garlic. Mix everything together. Once the garlic has started brown add the sausage to the pot. 3. Gumbo Add all 4 QT of Chicken stock to the pot. Bring to simmer and then add the Roux. Stir constantly until the roux has dissolved completely. Add all spices and Worcestershire sauce. At this point, simmer for 2 hours. Periodically stir. If dark stuff forms on the surface, Don't remove it, stir it back into the Gumbo. 4. Chicken Once the Gumbo has simmered for about 2 hours, add chicken and cook for 45 min. 5. Shrimp (Optional) Once the chicken has cooked for 45 min add Shrimp and cook for another 15 min. To serve. In a bowl add 1/2 cup of cooked rice. Add Gumbo onto the rice until you have a Soup with rice. Not Rice with Soup. Should be more liquid than dry. Optional: Season to taste. I like to include File for its flavor. It is normally used as a thickening agent but with this recipe that is not needed. I do like to sprinkle a little on top for the aroma and taste. Enjoy