These are very good basic stocks. The garlic broth is particularly good by itself on cold days when you have a slight head cold in need of clearing :-) Except for oil, which I omitted, this recipe is directly from the book. First scrub the potatoes very throroughly and cut away any blemishes, then peel them into thick strips at least 1/4 inch thick. Use peeled potatoes in another recipe. Peel the onion and quarter it, Wash carrots and celery and slice. Combine all ingedients but Tabasco sauce and lemon juice in a large stock pot and simmer for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours, or until the veggies are really soft. Add water as needed to the pot to keep the veggies covered with liquid. There should be about 6 cups of broth when done, so add water sparingly. The broth will be done when it tastes just right :-) simmer it a little longer if it seems weak, or add a little water if it seems strong. For a clear broth, strain out all the veggies with a sieve, and adjust seasonings as needed. For a thin puree, fish out the celery, garlic, and bay leaf, then press everything through a sieve until a dry pulp is left (I cheat and run it through the food processor). Lastly, add a dash of Tabasco and/or lemon juice, if desired. Garlic Broth <T> Make the Potato Peel Broth above, adding an entire head of garlic in place of the single clove. Break up the head of garlic and mash the cloves just a little (no need to peel it). This is better as a clear broth, IMHO. The recipe calls for 11/2 T olive oil, but I never miss it. Posted to fatfree digest V97 #271 by on Nov 20, 1997