Preheat oven to 400°F and butter an 8x8 glass baking dish. Yes, yes ... use butter. If not, you will not have quite the overindulgence of saturated fats from just the SPAM and egg yolks. Open up your biscuit tube and take them thar biscuits out to come to room temperature. While the biscuits are getting comfie, mix up the first six ingredients real good then set 'em aside to froth and bubble. Heat up the skillet and toss in the SPAM to get all poppin' hot 'n crispy. Now that those biscuits are nice and comfie, press 'em into the baking dish. SPRINKLE on the SPAM and pour egg mixture over. Top with cheese and toss in to the oven to bake for 20-25 minutes until cheese is melted, bubbly and the biscuits appear to be a lovely shade of golden brown. Take it out of the oven and let it cool a good bit (at least 20 minutes). I know you hate those pallet blisters as much as I do. Slice and plate it up with some freshly supremed orange segments then serve to your family and friends! ENJOY your SPAM!