Marinate the mushrooms and squash pieces in a small bowl with the soy sauce, lemon juice, pepper, cumin, and oregano. Toss to coat and sit in the fridge for one hour if you can, or at least 10 minutes on the counter. If you're using larger mushrooms or thick mushrooms, you may want to slice them in half lengthwise first so they grill evenly.Heat the grill and get it ready to go. I used an indoor grill but if you use an outdoor grill, I'd suggest using a grill pan so the veggies don't fall through a larger grill rack.Remove the mushrooms and squash from the marinade and discard the marinade. Then grill the veggies until tender and done (about 3-5 minutes is all mine took).Add the greens to a bowl, top with the grilled mushrooms and squash, then add the sliced bell pepper pieces, and top with hemp seeds. Sprinkle any additional spices on top that you like. I love a sprinkle of lemon pepper or just another squeeze of lemon to bring out the flavors of everything a little better.