Need a Spaetzle Noodle Dumpling Maker. They are less than $10. Beat eggs until foamy, then combine with milk. In another bowl, mix flour, salt and nutmeg. Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture a little at a time and mix. The dough should be stiff and elastic. If the batter seems too thick, add 1 tablespoon of water. Boil the water in a large pot. Place the Spaetzle Noodle Dumpling Maker over the top of the pot. Put the batter into the square basket and slide it back and forth so the batter falls through in little droplets. When done, the tiny dumplings will rise to the surface, about 2-3 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to strain them out and put into a large covered dish to keep warm. Repeat the process until all the dough is used up. Serve immediately. If you want to save them, rinse them 2x in cold water and layout on a paper towel to dry. Place in a covered storage in your refrigerator.