Preheat your oven to 350 degreesIn a medium skillet, cook the bacon according to instructionsOnce cooked, remove from skillet and put on plate lined with paper towel (to absorb the grease) and set asideIn the same pan, add the onion and kale (don't wash the pain out, leave the grease!)Cook for about 5-7 minutes on medium heat with a cover on top, until onions and kale are cooked throughRemove from heat, and set asideIn a large bowl, whisk together eggs and milkAdd the sliced bread and mix well so all bread slices are coated and let it sit for 5 minutesChop the bacon into smaller piecesThen add bacon, onion kale mixture, artichoke hards and almond milk cheese to the egg and bread mixturePour onto a greased skillet or baking dish and cook in oven for 35-40 minutesEnjoy while warm!*Will stay good in airtight container for 5 days, do not leave in skillet!*