1. Wash cukes,leave in sink, and cover in ice, add some water and leave for 3 hours. 2. Sterilize jars by boiling for 15 minutes. Leave jars in hot water while you pack pickles and remove them one by one to fill. 3. Put lids in small flat fry pan, cover with water and bring to almost a simmer, don't boil, they just have to be hot. 4. Bring brine to a boil, and keep heat on low to keep hot. 5. In each quart jar put 1 to 2 large cloves of garlic, one hot pepper (I like a habenero), and a sprig of dill and a feathery leaf if you have them. 6. Add sliced cucumbers, cover with brine, wipe top of jar off, screw lids on. 7. Set aside for 24 hours and then check seal. The combination of hot jar, hot brine,and hot lids seals them.