DIY Coconut Milk

 DIY Coconut Milk
DIY Coconut Milk
I hadn’t thought of making coconut milk from shredded coconut until I read Sarma Melngailis’ book Living Raw Food.  I cannot recommend this book highly enough.  Sarma has great recipes and tons of fabulous information for everyone –you don’t have to be raw to enjoy this book. I also want to recommend Sarma’s products from her company One Lucky Duck.  I haven’t ever met Sarma (or spoken to anyone at her company, I place all of my orders online) however I think she’s really onto something.  I found out about her through my Mother-in-Law, who loves Sarma’s Manhattan restaurant Pure Food and Wine, though I have yet to eat there. If you do order from One Lucky Duck, Sarma’s living food company, then you might like her Grawnola and her Cheese-y Quackers –those are my favorites and the boys love them too.
  • Preparing Time: 10 minutes
  • Total Time: 2 hours and 10 minutes
  • Served Person: 12
paleo paleo vegan vegetarian white meat free tree nut free nut free gluten free red meat free shellfish free dairy free pescatarian
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 6 drops stevia
  • Carbohydrate 8.983975 g
  • Cholesterol 0 mg
  • Fat 24.39255 g
  • Fiber 6.16139971160889 g
  • Protein 2.60085 g
  • Saturated Fat 21.628439 g
  • Serving Size 1 1 Serving (117g)
  • Sodium 17.1775000026713 mg
  • Sugar 2.82257528839111 g
  • Trans Fat 1.459584 g
  • Calories 250 calories

Soak coconut in water for 1-2 hours (do not discard water) In a vitamix, combine coconut, water, vanilla and stevia and process on highest speed Strain liquid through a fine mesh paint strainer bag, discarding solids Serve Now, you might be wondering why we keep the soaking water in this recipe and not in my Almond Milk recipe.  Well, there’s a reason and it’s a good one. When we soak the almonds, it is to release their phytic acid which is an enzyme inhibitor that can interfere with digestion.  That’s why some folks soak all of their nuts and nut products (I do not find it necessary to do so for myself and my family).  If you have questions or want more information on this, I would highly recommend looking up Sally Fallon and her book Nourishing Traditions, another one of my favorite cookbooks. With this coconut milk, there is no need to discard the soaking water because, as far as I’ve been taught, coconuts do not contain enzyme inhibitors.  This recipe is a little messy to make,  however, I like it since it’s a heck of a lot easier than cracking open a fresh coconut and scooping out the “meat,” etc.  And, it helps me avoid canned coconut products.  I don’t like to eat food out of cans (see BPA), though that’s another story, or post perhaps.